Zipline Unmmaned Aerial Vehicle Data Exploration & Analysis.

An unstructured, independent exploratory data analysis & visulization assignment using 450+ flight datasets csv files to discern details and find patterns, business insights, engineering risks or anomalies.

Posted by Jiashu Miao on May 23, 2019

Zipline Data Scientist Take Home Project


Zipline operates the world’s only drone delivery system at national scale to send urgent medicines like blood transfusions and vaccines to those in need – no matter where they live. We’re at the forefront of a logistics revolution, designing, manufacturing, and operating our own battery powered autonomous aircraft fleet to overcome the challenges of delivering just-in-time, lifesaving medical supplies around the world.

In this example dataset taken from our distribution center in Muhanga, we serve rural hospitals in the western half of Rwanda, delivering blood transfusions used to treat conditions like malaria anemia and postpartum hemorrhaging.After an order is placed, an electromechanically actuated launcher accelerates one of our aircraft - known internally as a “Zip” — at 5 g’s from 0 to 30 m/s (67 mph) in less than a second. From there, the plane autonomously navigates a pre-defined route to the delivery site, drops its package, and returns to the distribution center to recover. If you’re looking for more background information on Zipline before diving into the data, you can check out these videos:

A Zip is made up of three components — a battery, wing, and body. For each flight, a flight operator selects one of each component, “asembling” the Zip immediately prior to flight, as our fulfillment operators prepare the package before it’s placed in the assembled Zip.

The Dataset

In this directory, you’ll find:

  • This readme
  • A flight_XXXXX.csv file for each flight in the dataset. Each file contains the following signals from 5 seconds prior to launch, to 15 seconds after launch, logged at approximately 50Hz:
Name Units Description
seconds_since_launch seconds time since launch
position_ned_m[0] meters position of the zip relative to a fixed reference point in the north direction
position_ned_m[1] meters position of the zip relative to a fixed reference point in the east direction
position_ned_m[2] meters position of the zip relative to a fixed reference point in the down direction
velocity_ned_mps[0] meters/second velocity of the zip, in the north direction
velocity_ned_mps[1] meters/second velocity of the zip, in the east direction
velocity_ned_mps[2] meters/second velocity of the zip, in the down direction
accel_body_mps2[0] meters/second^2 acceleration of the zip, in the body-forward direction
accel_body_mps2[1] meters/second^2 acceleration of the zip, in the body-right direction
accel_body_mps2[2] meters/second^2 acceleration of the zip, in the body-down direction
orientation_rad[0] radians Euler (Tait-Bryan) roll of the zip
orientation_rad[1] radians Euler (Tait-Bryan) pitch of the zip
orientation_rad[2] radians Euler (Tait-Bryan) yaw of the zip
angular_rate_body_radps[0] radians/second Angular velocity of the zip, about the body-forward direction
angular_rate_body_radps[1] radians/second Angular velocity of the zip, about the body-right direction
angular_rate_body_radps[2] radians/second Angular velocity of the zip, about the body-down direction
position_sigma_ned_m[0] meters estimated standard error of position_ned_m[0], i.e. positional uncertainty in the north direction
position_sigma_ned_m[1] meters estimated standard error of position_ned_m[1], i.e. positional uncertainty in the east direction
position_sigma_ned_m[2] meters estimated standard error of position_ned_m[2], i.e. positional uncertainty in the down direction
  • A summary_data.csv file containing the following data for each flight in the dataset:
Name Units Description
flight_id n/a unique identifier for the flight
battery_serial_number n/a serial number of the battery
body_serial_number n/a serial number of the body
wing_serial_number n/a serial number of the wing
commit n/a git commit SHA representing the version of software
launch_airspeed meters/second airspeed of the plane during launch
launch_groundspeed meters/second groundspeed of the plane during launch
launch_timestamp n/a time string YYYT-MM-DD HH:MM:SS CAT where CAT, i.e. Central Africa Time, is the timezone
preflight_voltage volts dc voltage of the battery immediately prior to launch
air_temperature celsius air temperature during launch
rel_humidity percentage relative humidity during launch
static_pressure pascals static air pressure during launch
wind_direction degrees direction of the wind during launch, with 0 blowing to the north, 90 blowing to the east
wind_magnitude meters/second magnitude of the wind during launch

The Project

This is a relatively unstructured, independent exploratory data analysis & visualization assignment. Use your skills to discern details and find patterns in the data, and show us your process in a Jupyter notebook (or similar). Ultimately, we’re looking for you to communicate actionable insights — things like corrupted or missing data points, unexplained behaviors, individual outlier launches, diurnal weather patterns, poorly performing parts, etc. — to the engineering & operations team in the form of interpretable figures and tables with a short description of your findings.

Sample Code

R code

Python code

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The findings & conclusions

Pleae also check Tableau and Python file for more intersting fingdings.

Here is some digest from my over-all analysis

Conclusion and insights

  • This analysis gives me several fidings though need further study for validation:
    • The voltage has missing values
    • There are fours flights that their locations are weird when looking at map at launch (upper left corner, need check)
    • specific battery and body series affects the creating of missing voltage, Avoid from using 577209618523054080 to check error
    • The components are not used equally frequenly which possibly causes overuse to affects the quality of drone system.
    • The wing series 15SPJJJ09028064 affects the launch_airspeed and need check.
    • on 2018-09-30, only battery 15SPJJJ10056048 used the whole day and causes largest average error.

Some possible relation:

  • the higher the air temperature, the higher the wind, and the lower the static pressue and lower humidity.

distance = -1.7995 * air.temperature -5.4204 * wind.magnitude -0.0275 * static_pressure + 2.698e+03

  • the unexplained behavior then make sense why 2018-09-23 has low lauch_airspeed but highest distance: the wind is small and it’s pretty cold with high humidity and low pressure verfies my fidings.

  • So to travel longer distance in same period, beside checking the components to used at best performance, the weather matters too, and it is preferable that to fly at lower temperature with higher humidity, which might counter my common sense.

  • And hence people at Zipline can use weahter to best perform the fast delivery and power-saving drone system.

  • Please refer to tableau visualizaed plots and python for more.

    • physics: rainy/cloudy has lower pressure, and lower wind and colder, but lower pressure makes techinician depressed mood therefore might cause some mistake when choosing and installing the components and monitoring the positions - history weather:2018-09-23 weather in Rwanda was cloudy and high humidity.